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Tips & Tricks

How do I capture a scrolling page?

Solid Capture has the capability of capturing an entire scrolling window with one command, preventing the need for pasting together multiple screen images. The entire scrolling window can be saved to a file, sent to the clipboard for use in another program, and/or displayed in your favorite graphics program.

Note: Although the ability to capture a scrolling window was designed to work with Microsoft® Internet Explorer (IE), it may also work with other Microsoft programs such as Word.

Step 1
Open Solid Capture
Open SolidCapture using one of the following methods:

  • Desktop. Double-click on the Solid Capture icon.
    Solid Capture icon
  • Windows Start menu. From your Microsoft Windows Start Programs menu, select Solid Documents|Solid Capture|Solid Capture.
Solid Capture from the Start menu

Step 2
Navigate to Web Page
If you have not already done so, open your IE browser and navigate to the Web page you want to capture.

Step 3
Activate Scrolling Window Capture Command
On the Solid Capture toolbar, click the down arrow to the right of the Window button. If it has not already been selected, select Scrolling Window Capture.

Solid Capture Window button

Step 4
Select Capture Window
Returning to IE, click inside the content window. A black down arrow displays next to the cursor, indicating that the scrolling window capture command is active.

Step 5
Save Your Window Capture
Click your left mouse button. Depending upon your Save to selection in Solid Capture Options, Solid Capture will do one or more of the following:

  • Save the capture to a file. When the Browse window opens, navigate to the folder in which you want to save the capture, name the file, and click Save.
  • Save the capture to your Windows clipboard. You can then paste the capture in another application such as Microsoft Word.
  • Display the capture in your graphics editor. If desired, you can make changes to the capture and save it in the format of your choice.

Note: Scrolling window capture saves only the content portion of the window, not the IE toolbars and buttons.


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